Look at the Following Process for Matching and Adding a Deposit Transaction From a Bank Feed

When you import bank data into NetSuite, depending on your reconciliation rules, the Intelligent Transaction Matching feature attempts to do the following:

  • Automatically match the imported bank lines with the existing account transactions in NetSuite.

  • Automatically create and match account transactions with imported bank lines.

For details, see Intelligent Transaction Matching for Bank Data.

For any remaining unmatched transactions, filter the grids and manually select one or more transactions from each grid to match. If your account transactions do not have matching imported bank lines, you can mark them as cleared, pending submission.


Before you match your bank data on the Match Bank Data page, you should first use the Automated Cash Application feature to generate customer payments from imported bank lines and match them. For more information, see Automated Cash Application.


NetSuite removes the cleared or matched status from a transaction (and any other transactions from its match group) if you do any of the following:

  • Edit the transaction amount.

  • Void the transaction without a reversing journal entry. If you void the transaction with a reversing journal entry, the transaction remains matched or user-cleared.

  • Delete the transaction.

To match and reconcile custom transactions, go to Accounting Preferences and then check the Show All Transaction Types In Reconciliation box. See General Accounting Preferences.

To match imported bank lines with account transactions:

  1. If you have not already done so, import your bank data (see Bank Data Import).

  2. Go to Transactions > Bank > Match Bank Data.

  3. From the Account list, select the bank or credit card account for which you want to perform matching, if not already selected.

    The following fields are populated:

    • Subsidiary (if applicable).

    • Bank Balance, if your most recent account statement contains an account balance and statement date.

    • Balance As Of, if the statement contains a statement date.

    If you select an account for which NetSuite failed to import data during the latest import, a popup message displays the most recent import error. For more error details, go to Transactions > Bank > Banking Import History.

    If NetSuite successfully imported data to the selected account, the Imported Bank Data and Account Transactions grids are populated. NetSuite displays the imported bank lines and corresponding account transactions that require manual matching for the selected account.


    Any bank lines that were processed from the Automated Cash Application page no longer appear on the Match Bank Data page. The corresponding customer payments are automatically cleared in the system and ready for reconciliation.

  4. In the Account Transactions grid, identify in-transit payments by looking for the In-transit payment icon icon in the row. One or more in-transit payments must be matched with only one imported bank line. For more information on in-transit payments, see In-Transit Payments. To enable the In-Transit Payments feature, see Enabling the In-Transit Payments Feature.


    The system uses a built-in rule to automatically match an imported bank line with an in-transit payment if the following criteria are met:

    • The transaction numbers exactly match.

    • The dollar amounts exactly match.

    • The imported bank line is a Payment type.

  5. To filter the grids, see Filtering Imported Bank Data and Account Transactions.

  6. If you require more information on the account transactions, click the links in the Account Transactions grid. See Viewing Details of Account Transactions.

  7. On the To Be Matched subtab, match transaction items:


    Dimmed bank lines are still processing. You cannot check the box next to a dimmed bank line until processing is complete. To see if processing is complete, refresh the Imported Bank Data grid.

    1. Check the box for one item (or multiple items) from the Imported Bank Data grid and then select one item (or multiple items) from the Account Transactions grid. To check or clear all the boxes for items visible in the current page of the Account Transactions grid, use the box in the grid header.


      To avoid performance degradation or timeouts, if you have a high number of transactions, you should make smaller match groups rather than match all transactions at once.

      For details about the type of matches you can perform, see Bank Transaction Matching Types.

      As you select transactions, NetSuite displays the transactions in the bottom section and updates the amount difference in the Difference field.

      If the number of items in the bottom section exceeds the page limit, click the arrows to see the next or previous page of results. The Number of Rows In List Segments preference determines how many rows the bottom section can display per page. Each page can display a maximum of 500 rows at a time.

    2. When the difference between the selected imported bank line items and account transactions is zero (in the Difference field), click Match.

      If the Make Auto-Create Rule from Selected Transactions box is active, the system creates an auto-create rule. The next time reconciliation rules are run, NetSuite automatically creates corresponding transactions from imported bank lines that fulfill certain conditions and matches them. See Automatic Creation of Account Transactions.

      NetSuite removes the matched transactions from the To Be Matched grid.

  8. If you have account transactions with no matching imported bank lines, you can mark them as cleared, pending submission. See Marking Transactions as Cleared.

  9. To exclude imported bank line items from the matching process, see Excluding Imported Bank Lines From the Matching Process.

  10. To complete matching at a later time, you can navigate to another page.

    NetSuite automatically saves the work for the account as you go.

  11. When you finish matching transactions and marking transactions as cleared, submit them. See Submitting Matched or User-Cleared Transactions.

  12. (Optional) To view transactions pending submission, click the Review subtab. See Viewing Transactions To Be Submitted.

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General Notices


Source: https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/netsuite/ns-online-help/section_4843222719.html

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