I Don't Know When Was the Last Time I Had Chicken

Present perfect (Exercises)(��������� ����������� �����.����������)


Miss Irene

Miss Irene

1 Underline the most suitable verb form in each sentence.

1 Did you see / Have you seen my bag anywhere? I can't find it.

2 Larry is writing/ has been writing/ has written his novel for the last two years.

3 From the minute he got up this morning Gary asked / has asked / has been asking silly questions!

4 Have you given / Did you give Helen my message when you have seen / saw her ?

5 Sorry, could you say that again? I didn't listen / haven't listened / haven't been listening to you.

6 The police think that they found / have found your wallet, so call this number.

7 Did you two meet / Have you two met before? Eric, this is Amanda.

8 Did you meet / Have you met anyone interesting at the party?

2 Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form.

1 I'm sorry about not coming last week. I (have) ....had........a cold and so I (stay)..................... at home.

2 Wait a minute! I (have).......................... an idea. Let's go and see Roger. The last time we (see).......................him was years ago.

3 It's nice to be back. This is the second time I (visit)............................this country.

4 I'm phoning about your bicycle for sale, which I (see)..............................in thelocal paper,

(you sell) ............................................ it? Or is it still available?

5 This place is in a terrible mess! What on earth (you do)...................................... ?

6 And now for an item of local news. Hampshire police (find)..........................the dangerous snake which (go)............................. missing earlier in the week.

7 This tooth (hurt)........................... a lot lately. So I (make)..................... an appointment with the dentist for next Tuesday.

8 I cant give you the report I (promise)............................ for today because I (not finish)............................ it.

3 Underline the most suitable time expression.

1 I haven't seen Gerry for / since a long time. How is he?

2 It's ages ago / since I last went to a football match.

3 I've written to Deborah last week / recently .

4 What have you been doing today / yesterday?

5 Have you eaten Italian food before / already ?

6 I've been living here in / since the end of last year.

7 Actually I had dinner with Sue last night / lately .

8 I've been trying to get in touch with David for ages /for the last time .

9 Terry hasn't been to Edinburgh since / when we went there together.

10 I can't remember how long/ when I've had this watch.

4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.



1 Steve started learning the violin a month ago.


Steve has been learning the violin for a month.

2 I haven't been to an Indian restaurant for ages,


It's ages..................................................................................... an Indian restaurant.

3 When she heard the results, Mary began to feel more confident,


Since hearing the results.........................................................................more confident.

4 The last time Nancy came here was in 1986.


Nancy hasn't...................................................................................................... 1986.

5 This is my first visit to Japan,


This is the first................................................................................................ to Japan.

6 How long have Helen and Robert been married?


When.................................................................................................................. married?

7 Jack bought those trousers last month, and has been wearing them ever since,


Jack has.......................................................................................................... a month.

8 It's a long time since our last conversation,


We................................................................................................................... long. time.

9 Thanks, but I had something to eat earlier,


Thanks, but I've........................................................................................................ eat.

10 This is my first game of water-polo.


I.............................................................................................................................. before.

5 Put each verb in brackets into either the past simple, the present perfect simple, or the present perfect continuous.

It was announced in London this morning that the British Oil Corporation

(1) has discovered (discover) oil under the sea near the Welsh coast. The company, which (2).................................................... (drill) for oil in the area since 2007,(3)....................................... (find) small amounts of oil near Swansea last month, and since then (4)............................................ (discover) larger amounts under the seabed nearby. Last year the government (5).................................................. (lend) over £50,000,000 to BOC, and (6)............................................... (give) permission for the company to build an oil refinery andother facilities in South Wales. The reaction of local people to todays news (7).....................................(be) mixed so far. Local MPs (8)....................... (already welcome) the news, pointing out that the oil industry will bring badly needed jobs to the area. But local residents are worried about the danger of pollution. 'Nobody (9).................................................... (ask) us yet what we want,' said Ann Griffiths, leader of the Keep Out The Oil Campaign. 'Look what (10)................................... (happen) when they (11)..................................... (find). Oil in Scotland in the 1960s. The oil companies (12).................................................... (get) rich, not the local people. BOC (13)................................................. (not tell) us the truth about what this is going to mean for our people.' A BOC spokesman later (14)..........................................(refuse) to comment. Meanwhile local campaigners (15)...................................(ask) the government to hold an inquiry.

6 Put each verb in brackets into either the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous.

1 Someone (eat) has eaten all the cakes. I'll have to buy some more.

2 What (you buy)............................. your sister for her birthday?

3 My throat is really sore. I (sing)............................. all evening.

4 Brenda (learn)................................ Russian, but she finds it difficult.

5 How many people (you invite)........................ to your party?

6 Those two cats (sit)............................................ on that branch for the last hour.

7 It (rain)..............................all day! Why cant it stop?

8 Susan (wear).................................. twelve different dresses in the past week!

9 I (do)............................................... everything you asked. What should I do now?

10 Graham and Pauline (try)........................ to find a house for ages, but they cant find one they can afford.

7 Choose the best answer for each space.

Dear Andy and Sally

Just a quick e-mail to explain what we have done (1) c we were last in contact. The work on the kitchen has gone well so far, although we (2)................................. building the outside wall of the kitchen extension yet. If you remember, I e-mailed you last week and explained that my bricklayer was off sick. He (3)................................ his back playing football, and had to spend a couple of days in bed. Anyway, I'm glad to say that he has now recovered. He (4)........................ back to work yesterday, and he (5)................ on the wall. It (6)........................ most of the time here, so it has been hard to do any outside work in any case. We have now finished most of the plumbing and the electrics inside, and we have also replaced the new kitchen window with a larger one, as we (7)...................... before you left. We (8)............... fitting the kitchen yet. If you remember, you wanted to make some changes to the design, but I (9).................. any detailed instructions from you yet. Did you get the e-mail I sent on 15th July? I tried phoning you on your mobile yesterday, and I left you a message, but we need to talk about this. I hope you (10)........................... a good time in Ireland.

Tony Galt

Galt Building Services

1 A when before since D after

2 A didn't finish haven't finished have finished D finished

3 A hurt has been hurting was hurt D has hurt

4 A has come came has been coming D was coming

5 A has now worked has now been working is now working D now works

6 A was raining has been raining rains D rained

7 A have been discussing discussed have discussed D discuss

8 A didn't start aren't starting don't start D haven't started

9 A haven't received am not receiving don't receive D didn't receive

10 A have had been having D to have


  1. 1.Have you seen. 2.has been writing. 3.has been asking. 4. Did you give, saw. 5. haven't been listening. 6. have found. 7. Have you two met. 8. Did you meet.

  2. 1.had, stayed. 2. have/ have had, saw. 3. have visited. 4. saw, Have you sold. 5. have you been doing. 6. have found, went. 7. has been hurting, have made. 8. promised, haven't finished.

  3. 1. for. 2 since. 3 recently. 4 today. 5 before. 6 since. 7 last night. 8 for ages. 9 since. 10 how long.

  4. 1 has been learning. 2 since I went to. 3 Mary has become. 4 been here since. 5 time I have been. 6 did Helen and Robert get. 7 been wearing those trousers for. 8 haven't spoken for a . 9 already had something to. 10 haven't played water-polo/ have never played water-polo.

  5. 1 has discovered. 2 has been drilling. 3 found. 4 has discovered. 5 lent. 6 gave. 7 has been. 8 have already welcomed. 9 has asked. 10 happened. 11 found. 12 got. 13 hasn't told. 14 refused. 15 have asked.

  6. 1 has eaten. 2 have you bought. 3 have been singing. 4 has been learning. 5 have you invited. 6 have been sitting. 7 has been raining. 8 has worn. 9 have done. 10 have been trying.

  7. 1C. 2B. 3A. 4B. 5C. 6B. 7B. 8D. 9A. 10B.

I Don't Know When Was the Last Time I Had Chicken

Source: http://englishtown-anapa.ru/content/view/1040

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